1. A strict PROHIBITION of alcohol shall apply to "De Groene Bleek".
2. Fishing with more than 1 rod is not permitted. A Spod rod can be used
3. Attractants that pollute water should not be used (feces, pot greens, potatoes and tubifex). Also, counterfeit plastic products, such as corn and the like, are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
4. Fishing is not permitted 1 hour after sunset and / or 1 hour before sunrise.
5. Night fishing may not be practiced.
6. Basic sheets cannot be used in tents or shelters.
7. Do not leave waste at the fishing site.
8. Means of transport, such as car / bicycle / moped / scooter, must be in the designated place.
9. You should always fish with a freewheel system, which means that in the event of a line break, the lead must be lost.
10. Boats with baits are not allowed !!
11. You have to stay where you are fishing, when you leave the rods on the spot in the water.
12. The invalid wharf must always be free or made for people with disabilities who want to fish. Please consider the elderly in our association !!
13. It is not permitted to use a boat or similar vessel on water.
14. You should fish straight ahead with a maximum distance of 25 meters. This rule applies when the pond is occupied and we must always consider it.
15. Barbecue and open fire are strictly forbidden !!
16. Mandatory decoupling mattress. Fish of any kind should not be placed on the ground or on concrete slabs to dismantle them.
17. No dogs in the pond !!
Violations of these rules will eventually lead to the return of the ticket or termination of membership. Both without refund.
Always stay sporty !!
** In all cases not provided for in these regulations, the Board of HSV POSTERHOLT en ST. ODILIENBERG **